The Rebound?


Yesterday was a bit rough. The constiarrhea (my new word for constipation followed by immediate diarrhea) happened. But that was followed by a less rough morning and this afternoon feeling pretty good. Still moments of being tired but my body seems to feel better overall.

Went to the doctor yesterday for my checkup and Nuelasta shot. This shot is to make the bones produce more white blood cells and avoid neutropenia. An effort to replace those destroyed by chemo. Ahhhh, western medicine. May have bone pain by Wednesday. So far so good.
Was also loosing focus while talking to the doctor. Seemed hard to concentrate even when looking at my prepared questions.

I looked around at alternative therapies over the weekend. Still going with the 95% success rate with western medicine, but if at the end of chemo more needs to be done, I will seriously be considering alternatives. I'm pretty sure this will mostly, if not all, be beat at the end of chemo.

I'm also hoping that my "hump day" is 3 days after the end of a cycle. The doctor said everyone is different and has different amount of days before rebounding.

My mom is coming out for the next cycle of chemo. Basically I think she is going to see me go from good to bad while she is here. At least I should be able to reassure her that I rebound a few days later.

The business conference I missed seems to be going really well. I'm hoping that translates into revenue! So glad Melissa could still go. And yes, still bummed that I couldn't. But did I ever make the right decision! The conference would have been a disaster for me with the way I felt.

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